It is with great pleasure that I am welcoming all viewers to our web page. The College Academy is dedicated to the belief that all students should have college access. We believe that all students can and must learn academically rigorous material. We know that we will not be truly successful until we can ensure that college preparation and acceptance is the standard for all our graduates.
It is important to me that everyone who steps through our doors—teachers, students, and parents—are excited to be here! This attitude enables us to meet the challenges of academic excellence in a positive, fun, and nurturing environment.
Our goal this year will be to continue our work on improving our student performance data and ensuring inclusive excellence, while helping our students understand the importance of resiliency and perseverance through a growth mindset. As a school we will commit to increasing rigor, to prepare for SAT and college level learning opportunities.
Timothy Sigerson, Principal
We strongly believe that parent and community partnerships are an essential piece to the high school experience. Parents have opportunities to become involved in our school through our Parent Association and SLT.
We encourage our students to get involved in the life of our school and the greater Washington Heights community. Many of our students are involved in activities and clubs, athletics, volunteer work, or leadership. Our students are multitalented, and we are committed to helping them become well-rounded citizens.
We provide expanded learning opportunities for everyone on staff in a safe and supportive environment that will continue to help our students acquire the skills necessary to become productive citizens in a vastly changing society. I am very passionate about education, and I look forward to collaborating with constituents to provide our children with a rigorous, engaging, and high-quality high school experience that inscribes them with a deep love of learning.
We are excited to continue our journey to college access for all. It is a pleasure and honor to be the principal of this fine school. I cherish our students and believe in our faculty and staff. Together, we will make it another great year.
Timothy Sigerson